1. Allysha is now 1 year and 9 months. Makin cute, bam bam and picking up things really fast. Her vocab dah bertambah-tambah and she often amazes us with new words and short sentences.
2. Allysha's current favourite is now write, draw, colour, and read . Well, all in her own way. I practically had to stuff my handbag with her books and pens and colouring set everywhere because she's always asking for it.
3. And oh, another favourite of her since we got back from our Umrah, she's really manja with Daddy. Semua pon nak Daddy. It's a blessing for me actually, Mummy can enjoy Mummy's much needed rest. Thank you so much Lica for understanding Mummy :)
4. She's obsessed with 'I Love You' song by Barney and she can actually sing along and dance to the song. Sometimes, in the car she will demand 'Nak Lagu!' and if she likes the song, she'll dance and sing (siap guna tangan buat mic olok-olok lagi!)
5. She has a thing for handbags. Ke mana tumpahnye kuah kalau tak ke nasi, kan? Yay, another excuse for Mummy to buy more designer handbags!
6. Suka ikut orang solat. Pandai takbiratul ihram. Tangan at the right position. Mulut kumat-kamit kononnya recite. Pandai rukuk n even sujud. Last week Atok even commented "Alimnye cucu atok" :)
7. She really brings joy to our life and sometimes, when she's not with us, our day can be dull and boring. We love, love, love her so much. Syukur Alhamdulillah for blessing us with her.
Nami Island
1 day ago