Monday, July 5, 2010


Last week, we discovered that Allysha knows how to tackle the game of Baa..Chak! I had indentified a few series of that game by her. Some of it includes:

Game #1
She took my tudung. Cover her head and in seconds she uncovers it back. Lepas tuh, senyum-senyum, gelak-gelak sambil cakap-cakap sampai mata sepet. Then, she repeat the sequence.

Game #2
Meniarap sambil both her hands pegang my knee (I’m in a sitting position kat atas lantai), then Allysha lift her head. Again, senyum-senyum, gelak-gelak sambil cakap-cakap sampai mata sepet. Then, she repeat the sequence.

Game #3
Tutup muka with both her hands for a few seconds, and bukak balik and senyum-senyum excited. Also, sambil buat bunyi-bunyian yang comel.

Too bad I didn’t managed to capture it on video. Excited sangat I guess sampai terlupa. I'll try to remember this weekend..a must!

1 comment:

missOrked said...

definitely!how come nk capture any video if leka tgk die da pndai pick a boo!hehehe..thats y lah mak long pn tak smpt nk capai vid cam mummy..i wonder if allysha can repeat the game when we asked to:).thats just the way to hav soo mny vid of her.hahaha

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